Tuesday, 14 February 2012

iPad SchmiPad!

I for one am not terribly excited about the news that the iPad 3 is likely to be officially announced on the 7th of March and slated for a release date of the 16th. Now before all the Apple fanboys out there decide to plant their fingers on the home row and fire out a series of nerdy retorts, let me explain. This is a blog and not a news site so I'm free to lace each post with my opinions, however irrevocably biased they may be. I don't hate Apple. I just don't hold them in the same esteem as the majority of my peers.

Ipad 3 Back panel
The mere fact that people are getting overly excited simply because the leaked picture of the device's alleged back panel has floated onto the net says it all really. Sure, the tech geek in me is salivating at the chance to see a new toy demonstrated but unless Apple pull something entirely unexpected out of the bag I'm guessing the whole thing should prove to be pretty conventional fare.

The iPad 3 will be a necessary evolutionary step in an ever more competitive tablet market. It will likely incorporate the Retina display, possible LTE connectivity, Siri, improved camera functionality and perhaps the rumoured A6 chip (whether it be dual or quad core remains to be seen) but taking even these things into account I see little evidence as to why this product should be thought of as anything more than the iPad 2s.

My hope is that the design differs slightly from what we've already seen although if I have to submit to Apple's superiority in any regard it would be in the design department as their hardware innovations have been nothing short of (he says begrudgingly) revolutionary.

There is also rumour that Apple could possibly be releasing a smaller 8-inch budget friendly iPad alongside the iPad3. If this unlikely speculation proved true then I would have a lot more respect for the people down at Cupertino. Despite the fact that it would be interesting to see what Apple's idea of 'budget friendly' is, it would still mean that the tech giants are actually toying with the idea of moving away from solely making elitist devices for people with more money than sense and maybe, just maybe, considering the average consumer……pppfffftttt hahahahahahaha!!

All of this and more remains to be seen however until I'm proved wrong I still maintain my stance that the iPad 3 is nothing to get that excited about

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