Friday, 2 March 2012

Das Boot

Here’s a pretty interesting story I stumbled across whilst navigating precariously between the age old dichotomy of online tech journalism and girl on girl porn. Mozilla officially launched their Boot to Gecko mobile OS, which is kinda sorta not a mobile OS at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this year.

Boot to Gecko running on a Samsung Galaxy SII
The whole thing is a pretty cool idea indeed and one which holds an intriguing amount of promise. The entire premise is that the OS runs exclusively through the web, like some kind of wonderfully malformed browser accessible through a clean and simplified UI that incorporates all the usual mobile phone jazz such as the dialler, SMS service and contact list.

Also apparently due to a built in API that let's the phone know when a web page goes offline the device itself will remain functional without an internet connection. Just how well this will work is unknown but it'll be interesting to test drive that's for sure.

As I said I think this is a pretty cool move and certainly a unique and interesting take on the current mobile OS ecosystem. With the phone's UI connecting directly to HTML 5 without the need for any kind of intermediary. Mozilla have again succeeded in pioneering open web operation allowing for what essential will be a solid user experience at a lower price that will also no doubt lure the thousands of devs already creating their apps for web use. Mozilla also stated that we're likely to see these phones in Q4 2012 as they announced support deals with Telefonica and Deutsche Telekom.

Anyway, enough of that. Back to porn.

Until next time.

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