Monday, 20 February 2012

If it's broke...FIX IT!

Reorganizing Internal Process...

If you recognize this ominous pop up message then it's likely you too have been stung by the haphazard calamity that is the LG Optimus 3D's Gingerbread update. Now I personally have championed LG in the past but let me tell you now, that ends here.

I bought the Optimus 3D. I wasn't given it. I didn’t win it. I bought it because I truly believed the 3D on this device was more than just a gimmick. I believed that it was a step forward for mobile devices and a somewhat significant one at that. For me the fact the phone sported a dedicated 3D space signified the leap forward hand-held tech had made and that anything could be possible for a mobile device, the only thing standing in the way being time. Hell I wrote an earlier blog post defending the thing!

More fool me.

For all it's 3D Prowess, none of it matters if the device can not perform it's basic functions without mishap. This all became evident after the long awaited update to Android 2.3 Gingerbread. Firstly let me say that the wait for this update was A LOT longer than LG promised it's consumers and that it's US counterpart, the Thrill 4G, is yet to see hide nor hair of Gingerbread. This however may be a blessing in disguise for our chums across the pond as since updating to Gingerbread this phone has been nothing short of reprehensible.

It's less the device than it is LG themselves. How could such a large manufacturer release an update with such a huge flaw? Well it's easy really. All you have to do is simply not give a flying f*ck about customer satisfaction.

For all those who don't know what I'm talking about, it's the so called 'Ghost Calls' in which, apparently for no reason whatsoever the phone decides not to register incoming calls nor let you dial out unless you completely remove the battery and reboot. After doing this you are then hit with message after message of missed calls that you were never made aware of from people who couldn't reach you because your phone is a steaming pile of horse sh*t!

I have missed important calls today because of this thing. I'm getting rid of it. It disgraces not only LG but also taints my Android experience. It's a shame really as there are great manufacturers out there who really do there best to ensure that Google's OS runs as smoothly as possible. LG is not one of them. Failing to even acknowledge the problem of these ghost calls let alone release an urgent patch to fix it highlights the cold apathy that this company exudes.

F*ck it! I'm off to finally buy a Windows phone :)


  1. I also have the same issue on the LG Thrill, and what a NON-Thrill it is to have the device fail to function in the singular most important aspect of a smartPhone. This Thrill had been working fine in 2.2. Last time I buy an LG phone.

  2. I bought an Optimus 2x to give LG a chance, because the device is really nice. Oh boy, they messed up worse than I could have ever imagined.

    It was released with the outdated Android 2.2 and they managed to get quite a few serious bugs into it.
    Well, the 2.3 updated was supposed to fix all the issues.

    IT DID NOT! Not only did LG release the update waaaaay too late. They also didn't fix all the bugs and even introduced a few new ones.

    I was pissed!

    That is until they announced the 4.0 update. Q2 2012? A bit late, but fine.
    Now it is Q3 and 4.0 is already outdated. Not only is it way too late to release 4.0 now. (By now it should be 4.1), but it's not even sure they'll release it at all anymore.

    WTF?! Really?!

    Who is in charge over there?!
    You should fire them ASAP! They are killing your company. (At least the mobile sector. That's for sure...)

    Also, not giving your customers any kind of information about the update is the most morronic thing I've ever seen a company do.
    Unless your aim is to really piss your customers off and hate your company, as well as to get a really bad image and lose a LOT of potential customers.

    Why would any company want that?...

    I don't get it.

    Short of caneceling the update completely, I don't see any other way how you could make LG look any more incompetent than it already appears to customers.

  3. please any one can help me when i make acall apear this massge how to fix it ???? !!!!

    reorganizing internal processes please try again after a short while

    1. I have an LG P880 with the same problem. Today I parked my car on a bus station and spent there 25 minutes waiting for my phone because I needed to make an "urgent call". That's why I'm googling this problem for last hour. The only thing I found that someone sad it's working for him is to turn off the 3g and use only 2g networks. I did it and I will test this from today.

      This is how you do it: settings - more .... (wireless & networks) - Mobile networks - use only 2g networks

      Hope this helps

    2. Yes and this is a hardware problem, it doesn't matter if you are running original firmware or not, I've used official firmware (ICS, JB) and CM 11 stable, omnirom etc nothing can fix this - the only known workaround is running your device in 2G only mode.

      For me the phone didn't exhibit the problem until it was about 1 year old, at the time I was on official ICS, I was getting more and more "reorganizing internal process" when I tried to dial. At the same time I would have ghost call problems as reported by the people who tried to call me. With custom rom you won't see the "reorganizing internal process" message, instead the phone loses signal for 30 seconds +.

    3. I agree with Anonymous 12 Nov 2014: bought LG 4X HD P880 August 2013 and it worked correctly (albeit with poor battery lifetime) for about 20 months. Since then, it has (1) failed to make outbound calls (one beep and terminates call attempts instead of ring tones, even with "5 bar" indicated signal strength), (2) dropped incoming calls on answer attempts, and (3) makes access point data connections only erraticly (often requires reboot, disable/enable of data capability, and/or network operator reselect). In the last 2 months, I've begun seeing "reorganizing internal processes" on nearly every outbound call attempt.

      I found out this week that there was an OS maintenance version upgrade (was running "A;" upgraded to "C"). After upgrade, same problems, except apparently worse. Seems like even the "Use only 2G networks" workaround no longer helps.

      My LG 4X HD P880 is now virtually useless for telephony or data-over-cell, but still slightly useful as a pocket-sized Wi-Fi tablet as long as the battery will allow. I'm looking to replace it within the week. My #1 requirement: anything Android EXCEPT LG.
